Collapse was created in 2017. How we face the ageing society with fewer young generation in the future?
The lighthouse is a symbol of some peoples’ faith. We traveler who seek for the lighting in the dark ocean. We support each other but also become each other's burdens during the journeys.
We believe the great lighthouse tower could be our shelter and is now old and rusty, and therefore, is no longer solid for shelter wind and the rain. Now, where are we going? This issue deserves our deep consideration.
什麼是不變而可靠的真理?有人為之廢寢忘食、有人窮極一生追尋。然而,倘若在致力追尋夢想的路上費勁心思、最終卻發現眼前的光明底下僅是一座隨著時間侵蝕終將風化逝去的鏽塔? 忽明忽滅的燈塔像是某些人深信不疑的崇拜,而你我也許都在黑暗中摸索搜尋光亮的可能性,彼此依靠亦羈絆著彼此、困在主觀意識之中作繭自縛。旁人的聲音或許讓我們在尋找的過程中動搖了、我們的質疑亦或許影響了別人堅定的意志⋯ 有人奮不顧身也要尋獲希望、有人誤打誤撞以為到達天堂卻又發現一切只是空想、有人渾渾噩噩地隨波逐流卻又矛盾地在現實與理想之中掙扎猶豫、有人堅信物質上的滿足便是宇宙的中心。 亦步亦趨、如履薄冰,我們如同瀕死般渴望春雨甘霖的魚、踩著鏽蝕風化的樓梯,即使面臨著可能撲空的塔端,仍殫精竭力地非親自觸碰那可能性不可。